Monday, October 22, 2007

Frog Fact for October

Did you know ...

The word “mosquito” derives from the Spanish word “musketas” which literally translates to “little fly”. There are more than 2500 species of mosquitoes worldwide, 150 of these being found in the US of which 73 are found in Florida, our southern neighbor.

All species of mosquitoes have one thing in common. They are pests and can put a damper on our outdoor activities. They can cause decreased milk production and weight in farm animals and cause heart worms in dogs . Nothing compares, however, with the threat of disease they can easily transfer to humans.

Some of the most common diseases spread by mosquitoes are Malaria, Dengue, Encephalitis and Yellow Fever. Although it was feared in the 1980’s the threat of the HIV virus being spread by mosquitoes has been dismissed. The new threat is the West Nile Virus.

We here at Green Frog have an effective mosquito reduction service. For more info call us or fill out the form on the right.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Hello, My Name is....

The staff of Green Frog Pest Solutions have finally settled on a name for our mascot. Hunter Leggett, a seventh grader, of Baxley was the winner with the name "Mr. Croaker Hopkins." Hunter received a $50 Walmart gift card along with a singing frog for having the winning entry.

We would like to thank each and every one who submitted a name over the last few weeks. There were some really good ones. It was a difficult decision, but we feel like Mr. Croaker Hopkins was definitely the most original. So remember, if you have a bug problem, call Mr. Croaker Hopkins at (912)-367-2361.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Frog Fact for September

Did you know,
The venom of a Black Widow spider is 15 times as toxic as the venom of a prairie rattlesnake? The bite from a black widow spider is not automatically fatal. In fact, less than 1% of all people bitten by this spider run the risk of dying, and most of them are saved with the use of antivenin.


Thursday, August 2, 2007

A Georgia Blessing

This is a poem one of our customers shared with me. I thought you might be able to relate.

Bless this house, O Lord, we cry,
Please keep it cool in mid-July.
Bless the walls where termites dine,
While ants and roaches march in time,
Bless our yard where spiders pass
Fire ant castles in the grass.
Bless the garage, a home to please
Carpenter beetles, ticks and fleas.
Bless the love bugs, two by two,
The gnats and mosquitoes that feed on you.
Millions of creatures that fly or crawl
In Georgia, Lord, you've put them all!
But this is home, and here we'll stay,
So thank you, Lord, for insect spray.


Frog Fact for August

Did you know that a fly jumps backward when they take off?

Friday, June 29, 2007

Happy 4th of July

We would like to take some time to wish everyone a very happy 4th of July. We want to encourage you to take some time this Wednesday to reflect on all of the freedoms that we often take for granted. We are truly living in the greatest country in the world. This Independence Day is especially meaningful to us as it's our first year being independently owned and operated. We will of course be closed on Wednesday, but, you can still contact us through email with the form on the right. Thank you and have a wonderful holiday.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Frog Fact for July

Did you know that fleas are one of the more important groups of insect pests because they not only cause discomfort by biting, but they can transmit several diseases such as plague and murine typhus. Please contact us if you are having a problem with fleas. We will be glad to schedule a free onsite inspection.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Happy Fathers Day

We here at Green Frog Pest Solutions hope that you had a blessed and bug free Fathers Day.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Frog Fact for June

Did you know that it has been calculated that an ant's brain has more processing power than the computer that controlled the first Apollo space missions.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Name Our Mascot

We are having a contest to name our frog. We are offering a $50 dollar Wal-Mart gift card to the person who can come up with the best name. Submissions should be made with contact us form on the right. Submissions will end on June 30, 2007. The Staff at Green Frog will vote and notify the winner. Contestants can be of any age. It will be understood that participation in this contest will by no means grant the participants royalties, commissions, or licensing fees over and above the $50 gift card mentioned above for the winner. So have fun and if we can help you with any of our services let us know.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Welcome to Green Frog Pest Solutions

Well, it's official. Green Frog Pest Solutions is now on the web. This is going to be a place where you can get information about our services and get news about what is going on in the pest control industry. Occasionally we will be running specials on products and services ,so please check back often.

Also, we have some great games to play from Just click on the games link to the right. If you would like to contact us, you can fill out the form on the right and one of our trained technicians will get back in touch with you within 24 hours.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Sweet Tooth

Help Sweet Tooth jump on the platforms and reach the top level to grab the pie, avoiding the fierce enemies.

In this fun and challenging platform game where you've to help our little Sweet Tooth to reach the top level and grab the pie! You could help him to jump from one platform to the other and climb upwards until you reach the top level with a pie on it.

But, watch out for the fierce enemies roaming around. If you touch them you'll lose a life. Also remember that there are some moving and slippery platforms where you can't stand still but only move.

Avoid falling down or you'll lose a life and keep an eye on the timer at the top. The quicker you make it to the top the more points you'll earn. Good luck and have fun...


This is where we are going to be running all of our specials and discounts. Check back here often to save some greenbacks.

News May 7 2007

This is where you can find out about new programs that we are offering and about what's going on in the world of pests.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Contact Us

Please fill out the information below and we'll get back to you.

(coming soon)


The first one we had to put here was the classic game of Frogger.
This is a game I remember playing as a kid and still love it.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Frog Fact for May 3rd

Did you know that a grasshopper has five eyes. It has two large compound eyes on each side of it's head, and three small single eyes - one above the base of each antenna, and one below and midway between the two antenna.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

New Game - Sweet Tooth

New Game - Frogger

We thought you might enjoy this one.
UP Arrow - goes up.
DOWN Arrow - goes down.
LEFT Arrow - goes left.
RIGHT Arrow - goes right.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Regular Pest Control Service

Pests are more than annoying; they can pose serious risks to your health and property. Green Frog's Technician's extensive training and advanced technology focus on attacking any pests already in your home and breaking the pest life cycle to help control unwanted invaders in the future.

If you are currently having a pest problem we will deal with it quickly and professionally. We understand that all problems are unique. So, what we do is customize a plan that is right for you based on the pest(s) that you are having trouble with. Although your particular situation may be different than your neighbor's, we know that pests are creatures of habit. Green Frog's Technicians know the signs to look for and what to do to help you reclaim your home.

All programs start with a thorough inspection of your property at no cost to you. At that point we design your program. Pricing is generally based on the size of the home and the specific pest problem we are dealing with. We assure you that you will get the best service at the best price.

To shedule your free inspection or to have one of our technicians call you, please fill out the form on the right side of the page or call us at (912)-367-2361. We hope to hear from you soon.